

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

my colour....

Phid, your signature color is Golden Sunrise

No doubt about it. A vivacious, positive force like you needs to be represented by a color that warms up any room. That's why Golden Sunrise is the perfect color for you! There's nothing bland about you — in fact many would say you're a lively presence at any gathering! And speaking of gatherings, few are complete unless you can at least make a cameo appearance, spreading smiles, laughter, and sunshine in your wake. People can't help but light up when you walk in a room, which is the secret to how you get so much done in a day. Your sunny disposition makes you a pleasure to do business with, and that's why you're so good at making the world go around — at least your little corner of it. Nice work, Sunrise! So keep spreading those rays wherever you go!

cam yo or jer...heheh...golden beb!!! but i like the value of gold better anyday!!! =P
nway...nice work there on bible n al-quran n stuffs izran....x sangka bnyak gak info ko...thanx 4 sharing...
sesape yg balik bercuti slamat bercuti...bdk2 upm x ct lg wei...sedey tul...

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