

Monday, January 09, 2006


yo iffy...nice speech there gurl!!!! =)
well...i agree wif iffy...kinda feel like you guys ARE a part of my life..no as xclasmate or wut so ever..more like a big family huh?

n soory if sumtime i x jotted down sumthing or drop to say hi...kinda bz wif my projects...= less hanging out at cyber cafes...the wireless at tha college is corrupted!!! x leh detect n signal is too damn weak!!! erghh!!!

to all my braders and sistah...hope 2006 will bring smile to all ur cun,cute,ensem,macho etc.etc. and etc. faces!!!! hehheeh

lastly...live life cool and njoy ur life while u still can...( for those who'll be graduating soon...gudluck guys!!!! do ur finals with flying colours.....)

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